Neu Isenburg Castle in Germany, Essen resort (Topic)

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Neu Isenburg Castle in Germany, Essen resort

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Neu Isenburg is one of the largest fortifications in the Ruhr region. Initially, on the territory of the castle there were only an advanced castle and a citadel, which were separated by a 10-meter ditch. Today, on the site of the drawbridge, which provides the only entrance to Neu Isenburg, there is a wooden bridge.

Today, the ruins of Neu Isenburg castle can be seen in the southern part of Essen, in the Bredenai region, on the lake shore Baldeneysee.

Isenburg Castle, located in Hattingen, was the ancestral estate of the von Altena-Isenburg family. In November 1226, Count Friedrich von Isenburg was executed for the assassination of Elgenbert von Berg, archbishop of Cologne, after which all the Isenburg castles were destroyed. All possessions of the Isenburgs were also confiscated in favor of the family of Counts von Mark and the Archbishopric of Cologne.

Dietrich von Altena-Isemburg, the eldest son of Frederick, in 1226 demanded the restoration of all the lost rights of the family, which led to the Isenberg riots.

In 1240, on a piece of land that belonged to the Abbey of Verdun, Dietrich von Altena-Isenburg built a castle called the New Isenburg.

In 1243, after the settlement of the Isenberg riots by a peace treaty, Dietrich managed to return part of his father's possessions. However, a year later, Konrad von Hochsteiden, not wanting to put up with this, went to the castle by storm and took it by storm. During this period, the castle turns into a bastion, there is also a prison here.

In February 1248, Dietrich, having renounced his rights to the castle and land, retired to Hagen in the castle of Limburg.

In June 1288, during the Battle of Worringen, Siegfried von Westerburg, Archbishop of Cologne, is defeated. At that time, the heavily destroyed castle passed to Eberhard the First von Mark. After that, no restoration work was carried out in the castle.

By 1900, only ruins remained of the once majestic castle. Almost the entire complex was buried underground, only the remains of the defensive walls remained on the surface. In 1927-1933, a number of archaeological excavations were carried out here, led by Ernest Kars. During the excavations, the remains of settlements were also discovered, existing in ancient times. All finds can be seen today in the Ruhr Museum Essen.


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Topic: Neu Isenburg Castle in Germany, Essen resort.Neu Isenburg Castle in Germany, Essen resort

Author: Kelly Costine