Seurasaari Open Air Museum Island in Finland, Helsinki Resort (Topic)

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Seurasaari Open Air Museum Island in Finland, Helsinki Resort

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Seurasaari Open Air Museum Island - an island with a large ethnic reserve, a favorite place for locals and tourists. IN The park contains samples of wooden Finnish architecture. Seurasaari Island located 4 kilometers from Helsinki. From the city center to the island go regular buses.

In the museum, which occupies about half of the island, collected from different corners of the country about a hundred houses and outbuildings of the XVII-XIX centuries. In houses preserved original furnishings, household utensils, items of peasant everyday life. The atmosphere of the Finnish peasantry, everyday life is preserved here, traditional occupations and the way of life of the peasant in general. The oldest building from those presented here are the Karuna Church. Also in the ethnic park there is whole yards of wealthy Finnish peasants, simple huts, outbuildings, priest's house, sauna, stables, grain barns, sheds for storing home belongings, mills, tar mills and other objects. There are whole ones on the island finished farm complexes - traditional farms from different parts countries fully rebuilt. Museum workers dressed in national costumes, conduct master classes in various folk crafts.

The island also has a beach where ethnic festivals, folk holidays such as Midsummer or Christmas.

The territory of the museum is not fenced, entrance for visitors is paid only in the houses themselves. Outside, all houses and outbuildings can be inspect without purchasing a special ticket.

At the entrance to the Seurasaari Ethnic Museum there is a boat a 19th century shed where the boats were tarred; further - a grain warehouse of the XVII century and peasant estate from the same period. Next is the unusual"balcony house" with a gate and a painted clock. There is also a typical Finnish house, which formerly served as a post station; on the second floor of this house there are the royal chambers, specially restored for the arrival of Tsar Alexander I in 1819 There is also a church inn here for parishioners and pilgrims. After passing further along the territory of the museum, you can see the first exhibit of the museum - a complex buildings, brought here in 1909. It includes residential buildings, a sauna, smokehouse, summer kitchen, dairy barn and others. The most interesting and oldest the exhibit of the museum is the wooden church Karuna, built in 1686 and characterized by the absence of domed completion. Wooden crucifix of the church created in 1500. Among other things, the museum houses a small house in which "Finnish Pushkin" Alexis Kivi spent six months in 1863. There are estates here in Russian style, for example, the Pertinost manor or the stable for 4 horses at the villa Princess Yusupova. You can also go to the gift shop and use a telephone placed in an old booth.

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Topic: Seurasaari Open Air Museum Island in Finland, Helsinki Resort.Seurasaari Open Air Museum Island in Finland, Helsinki Resort

Author: Kelly Costine