Palazzo Rucellai in Italy, resort of Florence (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Palazzo Rucellai in Italy, resort of Florence

Palazzo Rucellai in Italy, resort of Florence

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Palazzo Rucellai is a Renaissance palace commissioned by Giovanni Rucellai. The building was designed by Leon Battista Alberti. The construction work was supervised by Bernardo Rossellino.

The facade of the palace is considered one of the first examples of Renaissance architecture, with entablatures and pilasters as elements of the composition. The facade of the first floor was faced with large rustic wood. The first floor of the palazzo is decorated with pilasters of the Tuscan order, the second floor - – pilasters of the Ionic order with an original capital, third floor – pilasters of the Corinthian order in a simplified version. The double windows on the second and third floors are framed by arches.

Loggia Rucellai is located opposite the palace,

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Topic: Palazzo Rucellai in Italy, resort of Florence.Palazzo Rucellai in Italy, resort of Florence

Author: Kelly Costine