New Palace in Germany, Potsdam spa (Topic)

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New Palace in Germany, Potsdam spa

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Another palace located in the aisles of Sanssouci Park in Potsdam is the New Palace. It occupies the western edge of the park and is made in the late Baroque architectural style. Despite the fact that among the rest of the buildings in the park it was built the last (hence the name New), the size and scale of the castle surpasses its older `` neighbors ''.

This building was erected in 1763 — 1769 by order of the creator of Sanssouci, Frederick the Great. It was needed in order to arrange official lavish receptions in it, for which one-story buildings were not very suitable. So this castle did not fulfill its residential functions, only Emperor Frederick III, who ruled for only 99 days, settled here and even managed to dig a protective moat around the perimeter.

The building is 213 meters long and has two floors, and the middle of the building is crowned with a dome with three statues of graces. In general, there were more than four hundred statues in the castle. The side annexes also have domes, but smaller in size.

For the ceremonial receptions themselves were intended lush vast halls in the center of the building and   in the south wing. And to accommodate the distinguished guests, apartments in the Rococo style were created, to which four stairs led from below. The creators obviously did not skimp on the design of the halls. Thus, attention is drawn to the grotto hall, thematically decorated with pieces of petrified wood and semi-precious stones.

The paintings that adorn the castle walls amaze visitors to this day. It organizes exhibitions of contemporary artists and presents picturesque collections of past centuries.

The architectural ensemble of the New Palace also includes the communes in which the utility rooms are located, servants and sometimes court officials lived here. The walls of the communes were supposed to block the unsightly view of the surrounding swamps.

The highlight of the palace – the court theater, opened in 1768. It looks like an antique amphitheater. Performances were organized here on especially solemn occasions, mainly by the royal ensemble. The theater has been functioning again since 1969 after restoration.


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Topic: New Palace in Germany, Potsdam spa.New Palace in Germany, Potsdam spa

Author: Kelly Costine