Palazzo Pompeii in Italy, Verona resort (Topic)

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Palazzo Pompeii in Italy, Verona resort

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Palazzo Pompeii is a luxurious palace located between the Ponte Navi bridge and the Porta Vittoria gate.

The palace was erected in the 16th century by order of the noble family of Verona – Lavezzola. The author of the project is the architect Michele Sanmichele. The lower floor of the palace was faced with simple stone, and the second floor was decorated with tall windows located between Doric semi-columns, a balustrade and a cornice decorated with mythical masquerades.

The entrance to the palace was made in the form of an arch, above which previously held the family coat of arms of the Pompeii family. The small courtyard of the castle was asymmetrical. To the right of the courtyard you can see a large staircase leading to the second floor.

Nowadays, the palace houses the Museum of Natural History, which is the largest in Europe.

The Palace of Pompeii, along with other landmarks in Verona, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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Topic: Palazzo Pompeii in Italy, Verona resort.Palazzo Pompeii in Italy, Verona resort

Author: Kelly Costine