Big cesspool in Italy, Rome resort (Topic)

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Big cesspool in Italy, Rome resort

Rating: 9,0/10 (464 votes)

The large cesspool is a large engineering structure, part of the ancient sewage system of ancient Rome.

This extensive sewer system to drain the lowlands between the Palatine and Capitol Hills was created under Lucius Tarquinia Prisca – the fifth king of Ancient Rome.

The Cloaca Maxima was the most important channel of this system. The channel is up to 3 meters wide, and ndash; about 4 meters.

Subsequently, all sewerage channels were lined with stone, and also covered with stone vaults. The main function of the cloaca was to remove rainwater and sewage from the city.

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Topic: Big cesspool in Italy, Rome resort.Big cesspool in Italy, Rome resort

Author: Kelly Costine