Forum of Caesar in Italy, Rome resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Forum of Caesar in Italy, Rome resort

Forum of Caesar in Italy, Rome resort

Rating: 8,0/10 (2943 votes)

The Caesar Forum is the first of the Roman imperial forums.

In 54 AD. Caesar instructed Cicero to acquire a plot of land worth up to 100 million sesterces. In the years 54-46 BC. on this site, Caesar erected a new Forum, which was created as an extension of the Roman Forum.

In the north of the Forum was the Silver Basilica and the Temple of Venus the Progenitor. Today at the Forum you can see the ruins of workshops and shops during the reign of Hadrian.

According to ancient sources, the Forum previously housed an equestrian statue of Caesar and a statue of Cleopatra, made of gilded bronze.

After the fire, what happened in 283, the Forum was rebuilt.

Nowadays, the Forum is partially hidden under the square and Via dei Fori Imperiali, and is a square surrounded on three sides by an arched gallery. In the central part are the ruins of the Temple of Venus and a bronze statue of Caesar, which is a copy of one of the emperor's marble sculptures.


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Topic: Forum of Caesar in Italy, Rome resort.Forum of Caesar in Italy, Rome resort

Author: Kelly Costine
