Things to do in Berlin (Topic)

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Things to do in Berlin

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It is believed that the German capital – not the best vacation spot in Europe. The reason for this is the official statistics – tours to Berlin sell worse than tours to, say, Munich. However, the prejudice against this city is unfair. The main German city can please a wide variety of tourists. To see this, we present you with the things to do in Berlin, regardless of the length of the tour.


Brandenburg Gate

Take a picture of the Brandenburg Gate

The official card symbol of Berlin – Brandenburg Gate – regularly takes the first line in the list of tourist attractions. After the reunification of Berlin, this place began to symbolize reconciliation between the GDR and the FRG, various rallies, commemoration meetings and even full-fledged concerts are regularly held here, to which world celebrities are invited. Most often, these concerts are timed to commemorate the memorable dates associated with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Climb the Reichstag

A symbol of a common victory over fascism – Reichstag building – now one of the most revered places for Russian tourists in Berlin. The inscriptions of the soldiers of the Red Army are partially preserved to this day, and you can see them completely free of charge – just register on the site of the attraction and choose a convenient date.

Important: For organized groups of Russian tourists, the Reichstag organizes full-fledged excursions in Russian. Not to mention the fact that pre-registration will save you from the kilometer queue.

Go to one of the museums

World famous Museum Island Berlin annually attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. The concentration of historical objects and masterpieces of European art here allows us to call museums real treasures. Most often, tourists are brought to the Pergamon Museum, where the Babylonian Ishtar Gate, as well as the Bode Museum, are located. where there is a rich collection of art objects from different eras. For organized tourist groups, it is possible to purchase a comprehensive ticket to visit all the museums of the Island, but it is better to allocate time for each museum separately.


Pergamon Museum

Explore the city from the TV Tower

Berlin TV Tower although inferior to the Ostankino `` sister '' in size, but still the tallest building in modern Germany. She appeared in 1969, and immediately began to attract great interest among the guests of the German capital. You can climb to a height of 203 meters by a high-speed elevator, which takes visitors directly to the panoramic observation deck, from where, in good weather, all quarters of Berlin are visible. Like in Ostankino, it has its own revolving restaurant.

Get to Kirch Wilhelm

The long-suffering Kirch of Kaiser Wilhelm – one of the symbols of the destructive power of any war. Destroyed by the Allied troops in 1945, the church was left in this form as a reminder of the terrible time. Nevertheless, in 2012, it was partially restored to protect tourists from possible collapses. Inside, there are preserved mosaics of the 18th century and gravestones of the august persons of Germany. Kirkha's visit is now limited, you will need to find out about opening hours in advance.

Walk around Potsdamerplatz

For Berlin, Potsdamerplatz has become a symbol of the transformation of the old city into a new one – with skyscrapers, shopping centers and other benefits of civilization made of glass and concrete. During the war years, here, at a depth of tens of meters, there was Hitler's secret bunker, destroyed by bombing, after which the square was turned into a neutral zone due to the proximity of the Wall. Now it is home to the headquarters of the company Sony, which many Berliners call"the main ugliness" cities, as well as rows of fashionable offices and shops.


Memorial to Soviet Warriors in Treptower Park

See the Soviet memorial

Familiar to many from history textbooks Memorial to Soviet Warriors is located in Berlin's Treptower Park. The huge area of the park is built up with several sculptural compositions that perpetuate the feat of the Soviet people. The central monument is the sculpture of the Warrior-Liberator holding a rescued German girl in his hands. The memorial is not very popular today, crowds of people are observed here only on the eve of May 9, when the Russian diaspora in Berlin arranges commemorative events.

Walk along the remains of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin Wall, which has divided the city and the whole world into two ideological camps for almost 30 years, is now a few miserable fragments left for the edification of posterity. Currently, there are 8 sections of the Wall preserved in Berlin, the longest of which is located on Bernauer Strasse, where, according to official figures, most people were killed trying to cross the border. Some parts of the Wall are decorated like real sculptures, and some have been preserved without any changes, with numerous inscriptions and graffiti.

Find the Berlin squat

The phenomenon of squatting – illegal settlement of empty houses – for Germany has been relevant since the early 1990s, when in every major city there were so-called squats. These houses were inhabited by free artists, young people who did not want to live according to the laws of society, and other marginal individuals. Over time, many squats were destroyed by order of the authorities, but in Berlin one of them - – Taheles – recognized as the property of contemporary art. All walls are painted with graffiti, and indoor exhibitions can be found.



See the Nikolayviertel quarter

A truly unique place – quarter Nikolayviertel – a place, preserved the spirit of medieval Berlin, although most of the local buildings – this is a reconstruction after the destruction of the war. The area located on the banks of the small river Spree began to be populated in the 12th century. Now this place can be called an island of history, where Berliners and guests of the city sit on the terraces of cafes with a glass of beer and relax from the noise of the metropolis. Those who are not enough on one rest can visit the Medieval Museum located nearby.

Walk along the Landwehr Canal

In 1945 on Landwehr Canal there were fierce battles, now – it is one of the quietest places in Berlin. The park area created along its banks attracts lovers of family walks, as well as those who want to be alone. Loneliness, however, violated by local swans, who constantly ask the park guests for refreshments.


Landwehr Channel

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Topic: Things to do in Berlin.Things to do in Berlin

Author: Kelly Costine