Ruins of the city of Enoanda in Turkey, Xanthos Valley resort (Topic)

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Ruins of the city of Enoanda in Turkey, Xanthos Valley resort

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The ruins of the ancient city of Enoand are located 50 kilometers from Tloss. Earlier Enoanda was one of the highest mountainous and northern Lycian cities. Today, there are many interesting structures preserved due to the successful and inaccessible location of the city.

The history of Enoanda has not yet been fully understood. However, it is already known that in the 3rd century BC. here was the southernmost center of the Lycian Tetrapolis, and in the 2nd century AD. Diogenes was born in the city.

The city was discovered in 1996 and to this day has hardly been excavated. Today, the city is a patch of hectic ruins overgrown with juniper, cedar and oak, visited mainly by occasional shepherds and hunters.

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Topic: Ruins of the city of Enoanda in Turkey, Xanthos Valley resort.Ruins of the city of Enoanda in Turkey, Xanthos Valley resort

Author: Kelly Costine