Recreation and entertainment in the Bar (Topic)

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Recreation and entertainment in the Bar

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Bar is a major tourist and cultural center of Montenegro. The city hosts various festivals throughout the year, such as Barskaya Chronicle (performances, book fair ...), Meetings under the Old Olive (children's art festival), an international television festival and Masliniada (an exhibition of folk costumes). The Bar also hosts a swimming marathon every year.

In the city, you can visit the House of Culture, which has ballet schools, a cinema, a theater stage, as well as various courses in foreign languages and theater arts.

The coastal waters have something that attracts all divers - the sunken yacht of King Nikola, a German cruiser and an Austro-Hungarian destroyer. Ships are easily accessible even to inexperienced divers, as they are in shallow water.

The Bar is also famous for its beaches:

Gradska Plaza, a sandy-pebble beach located in the very center of the city. The most famous city beach, which is almost 1 kilometer long.

ukotrlitsa Beach is a very comfortable sandy and rocky beach surrounded by pine trees, where you can always hide from the heat of the day.

Crvena Plaza (Red Beach) is a beach with unusual bright red sand. It is located in a small cove between Bar and Sutomore. Legend has it that sea nymphs used to gather on a high cliff near this beach and comb their hair with coral combs. Those who lived nearby heard their songs and laughter, but did not tell anyone about it, as they were afraid to go numb.


There are two markets in the city -"Topolitsa" - the largest market on the Adriatic coast, and"Old Bar", which is open only on Friday and Tuesday ... Many people come here to buy dried carp from Crmnitsa and special goat cheese from Shestan.

The Bar is often called the"City of Olives". Olive trees can be seen on almost all boulevards and coastal streets, as well as in public gardens and parks. The symbol of the city grows in the Olive Grove - the oldest olive tree in all of Europe, which is more than 2 thousand years old. The Bar also has a huge number of different plantations: tangerine, orange, fig, pomegranate and other citrus fruits.

The city is divided into two parts: Old and New Bar. Old Bar is located far enough from the sea and is rich in various attractions. And New Bar is predominantly a tourist area, with various embankments and beaches.

The peculiarity of this resort is its extraordinary purity, both of the water and the surrounding nature, and even of the city itself.


The Old Bar is, in fact, one large (4 hectares) city landmark.

The Old Bar fortress, which laid the foundation for the city, was built in the ninth century. All monuments and sights of Bar keep a trace of historical events taking place in the city.

Such unique structures as the Omerbashic Mosque, Clock Tower and Aqueduct - the influence of the government Ottoman Empire, which lasted three centuries. One of the oldest monuments is the gate, erected in the 10-11th century. Also very noteworthy are the ruins of the churches of St. Veneranda and St. Catherine, as well as the Cathedral of St. George. There are approximately 240 buildings in the Old Bar.

The New City also has several attractions. The main one is the St. Nicholas Church. In addition to it, you can visit the monument to the liberators of the city from Ottoman rule, the foundation of an ancient church, as well as the residence of the Catholic bishop. There are several monasteries not far from the city: Horni Brcheli, Dolni Brcheli, Mother of God Ratach and Ribnjak Monastery.

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Topic: Recreation and entertainment in the Bar.Recreation and entertainment in the Bar

Author: Kelly Costine