Museum of London, UK, London Resort (Topic)

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Museum of London, UK, London Resort

Rating: 7,6/10 (289 votes)
Museum of London is one of London's museums dedicated to history cities. It is impossible to pass by this museum: it is one of the largest of its kind meetings, furnished with imagination and using the latest technology and opportunities.

The Museum of London was opened in 1976 on the initiative of London City Corporation and City Administration. The museum is located in Barbicane - a residential neighborhood built on the site of a watchtower. On the The ruins of the city wall created by the Romans have been preserved on the territory of the museum. Building Museum is part of the complex built by architects F. Powell and I. Moya in area destroyed during the bombing of London by the Nazis. Authors of the project created the complex so that the visitor to the museum moves along the timeline - from prehistoric to modern times. The path starts from the mark of 450 thousand years BC e. The corresponding exposition invites you to see the stone tools, spearheads and arrowheads, a bison skull over a quarter of a million years old, reconstructed from the skull of the"Shepperton woman" four thousand years old. Roman bikinis worn by women are especially noteworthy in the antique hall. antique times. In the hall with the name"War, Epidemic, Fire" you can see a film about the London fire of 1666. The jewel of modern collections - the carriage Lord Mayor of the City of 1757.

On the second floor of the museum building there is a hall with a unique LED screen with diameters of almost 50 meters. Various installations and videos. The museum actively uses all the latest technology that provides amazing opportunities. In 2008 an ordinary resident London David Brown donated an artifact to the museum - a home phonograph of 1900 and 26 wax cylinders with a recording of the voices of his relatives. On the basis of the museum, these the recordings were restored and digitized. It turned out that there really the voices of D. Brown's relatives are heard.


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Topic: Museum of London, UK, London Resort.Museum of London, UK, London Resort

Author: Kelly Costine
