Zwinger in Germany, Dresden spa (Topic)

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Zwinger in Germany, Dresden spa

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The name of this beautiful place in Dresden is known far beyond Germany. The architectural ensemble is named after the medieval name   parts of the protective structure between the inner and outer walls - zwinger. Complex   was built in 1722 as a symbol of the heyday of the power of the Saxon kings. Now Zwinger has brought together excellent museum collections, which contain a large number of masterpieces of world art.

The Zwinger was most famous for the Dresden Picture Gallery Staatliche Runstsammlungen Dresden or Gallery of old masters Gem ? ldegalerie Alte Meister . The collection got its start through the efforts of Frederick III (1486 -1525). He combined the collection of old paintings with the canvases of his contemporaries Koanach and Durer. August the Strong (1670 -1733) was a recognized connoisseur of art, and continued to replenish the collection with paintings, porcelain products, and engravings. The gallery's collection has grown over the centuries, and due to its size in 1931 it had to be divided. Canvases of the 13th-18th centuries were left in the Zwinger. The gem of the collection is made up of canvases by Italian and Dutch masters. Among them are paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt, Raphael, Van Dyck Jan Brueghel the Younger and others.

Gottfried Sempler worked on the construction of the building for the gallery. Until 1849 he managed to complete most of the work, but a revolution broke out. Therefore, the building turned out with a kind of wings on the sides. During World War II, the Dresden Gallery was destroyed, many paintings were damaged and were subject to painstaking 20 years of restoration. It took a lot of money and effort, but today the Dresden Art Gallery is a wonderful modern museum with the richest collection of works of world art.

Dresden Armory ( R u stkammer ) The second most popular museum in the Zwinger, as it presents a world-famous collection of weapons and armor. About a quarter of a million tourists visit the collection of 10 thousand exhibits annually. The most widely represented are firearms – 1600 rifles and 1400 pistols. Another part of the exposition – cold steel – strikes with the art of making swords, daggers and sabers. No less rare and remarkable is the exhibition of textiles,   in the collection of which there are precious dresses of the XVI - XVIII centuries. Silver and gilded armor of riders, shields, helmets, chain mail with engraving and precious stones make the collection of the armory in   The Zwinger is truly unique.

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Topic: Zwinger in Germany, Dresden spa.Zwinger in Germany, Dresden spa

Author: Kelly Costine