Thames House in the UK, London resort (Topic)

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Thames House in the UK, London resort

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Thames House - the building that became the home of the headquarters intelligence services of Great Britain, also known as MI5. Secret the organization is located on the banks of the Thames at the Lambeth Bridge in the area under the name of Millbank.

A structure intended for such important state purposes, built in 1930 in a residential area destroyed by floods. When the design and construction of the architect Sir Frank Baines was guided by the style neoclassicism.  

MI5 was transferred to Thames House in the 90s and was necessary, since the special service had to exist in 5 offices, which made life difficult for employees and disrupted coordination. Reconstruction of the building for placing the secret service in it took almost 3 years and demanded from budget of 265 million pounds, which, according to the most conservative estimates is two annual budgets of the organization itself.

The interior design of the MI5 office is of great interest to the public. It is believed that over two thousand people are serving in the building. Its interior is decorated with a luxurious statue of the secret service's coat of arms - the MI5 cross. Documents from storage can be accessed by a small railroad that runs through all floors.

The fashionable view of Thames House often confuses tourists, who mistake it for a mall. However, not only tourists can to be captured by this illusion. Once upon a time Martin McGuinness, who is the head party of Irish nationalists, looked into the building of the secret service, suggesting that found Labor headquarters. Unaware of what a sensation made him parish, he asked the Thames House staff to call his friend. About this immediately they told the management, and that hour the building was seized by panic. It all ended up that to the perplexed Irishman they politely explained that the building he needed located in a slightly different place. Nobody was hurt.

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Topic: Thames House in the UK, London resort.Thames House in the UK, London resort

Author: Kelly Costine