National Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunis resort (Topic)

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National Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunis resort

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The Bardo National Museum is located in the center of the medina. It is considered the largest museum on the African continent. Museum exhibits are housed in the Dar Hussein (Bardo) palace and, accordingly, the museum bears its name.

The national museum houses a huge collection of interesting exhibits, which are divided into sections: prehistoric, Roman, Punic, Muslim, Christian. The pride of the museum is the largest collection of Roman mosaics.

The museum complex consists of 12 large thematic halls:

  • The Museum of Islamic Art is currently located in the stage of formation, work is underway to distribute cultural treasures.
  • The Acolla Hall showcases the Achola mosaics that date back to the 2nd century. The fragment of the mosaic"Triumph of Dionysus" is very beautiful. There is a semicircular fountain in the center of the room.
  • The Altiburos Hall is named after the site where a huge mosaic from the 3rd century was found. The mosaic depicts a little over 20 ships of different types. The name of each ship is indicated in Latin and Greek. Other mosaics were brought from El Jem, Carthage, Bizerte.
  • Carthage Hall. Finds found in Carthage are on display here.
  • Hall of Dugg displays mosaics, statues, and works of blacksmiths who worked with gold and silver brought from Dougga.
  • Hall of El Jem.
  • Hall of frescoes. Mostly mosaics are exhibited here.
  • The Courbet Hall shows visitors small items found in Roman burials (bronze items, terracotta figurines), ceramics and vases.
  • Mausoleum Hall. The main exhibition is a reconstructed model of the 2nd century mausoleum from Carthage.
  • Odysseus Hall.
  • Roman Shipbuilding Hall.
  • Sousse Hall

As renovation works continue in the museum building, some exhibition halls are closed and moved to vacant premises.

Soldiers of the national guard and two marble lions. In order to take photos in the museum, you will need to pay, but it is worth noting

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Topic: National Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunis resort.National Bardo Museum in Tunis, Tunis resort

Author: Kelly Costine