Court Chapel in Austria, Vienna spa (Topic)

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Court Chapel in Austria, Vienna spa

Rating: 7,9/10 (6067 votes)
The building of the court chapel is one of the oldest buildings in modern Vienna. It was founded in 1498, but in fact the chapel already existed in 1296 at the Habsburg court as a choir of singers.

In 1498, Maximilian I established a boys' choir and a court orchestra. At the same time, musicians from Wallonia and Flanders were invited.

In the 17th century, Dutch musicians were replaced by Italian masters. With the arrival of the Italians, opera appeared in Vienna.

The court chapel was part of the first Habsburg castle. In addition to its architectural value, it has unique acoustic characteristics.

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Topic: Court Chapel in Austria, Vienna spa.Court Chapel in Austria, Vienna spa

Author: Kelly Costine
