Meseberg Palace in Germany (Topic)

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Meseberg Palace in Germany

Rating: 8,4/10 (3071 votes)
Imageused as the official residence for guests of the German government. The palace is located not far from Berlin, and next to it is the picturesque Hoevensee lake.

Construction of the modern palace began in 1736 by order of Count von Wartensleben. The construction was completed in three years. The author of the project remained unknown. In 1774, after the death of the count, the palace was bought by Prince Heinrich of Prussia, and a year later it was presented to the favorite Christian Ludwig von Kapchengst, who rebuilt the building and added a stable.

Later the palace became the property of the publisher Karl Robert Lessing (a relative of the writer Gottfried Lessing), who bought it for his son.

In 1945, the palace and surroundings   were nationalized. Over the following years, a grocery store, a kindergarten and other government agencies were located here. After the unification of Germany, the palace fell into disrepair, and in 1955 it was restored by the Messerschmitt Foundation in accordance with the standards of the protection of monuments.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the Meseberg Palace was leased for a symbolic fee (one euro) the federal government, which, however, has spent about 13 million euros on security, communications and operating costs.

In addition to accommodating official guests of the country, the palace hosts closed cabinet meetings and various conferences .

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Topic: Meseberg Palace in Germany.Meseberg Palace in Germany

Author: Kelly Costine