Pohanu Towers, Vietnam, Phan Thiet (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Pohanu Towers, Vietnam, Phan Thiet

Pohanu Towers, Vietnam, Phan Thiet

Rating: 7,6/10 (1100 votes)
The Cham Towers of Poshanu are a cultural monument of the Hindu religion dedicated to the Cham people. The towers are located on the outskirts of the town of Phantiet.

The towers were built in the 7th century. Until now, these towers serve as the places of worship of Hindus. The complex consists of three temple towers & ndash; suns, cows and the Poshanu princess, which have undergone a number of reconstructions over the centuries, but have retained part of the old masonry on the inner walls.

These temples are still active today. Numerous representatives of the Cham people pray in them lying down.

The main tower of the complex is the tower dedicated to Princess Poshan. The tower is 15 meters high. The main attraction of the temple is the altar, which depicts the feminine and masculine principles.

Every year, on the first lunar month, the Roh Mbang and Rija Nuga festivals are held near the towers. 

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Topic: Pohanu Towers, Vietnam, Phan Thiet.Pohanu Towers, Vietnam, Phan Thiet

Author: Kelly Costine