Tomb of Tu Duc in Vietnam, Hue Resort (Topic)

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Tomb of Tu Duc in Vietnam, Hue Resort

Rating: 8,1/10 (4000 votes)
Tu Duc (real name Hong Ngiem) was the second son of Emperor Thieu Tri. Tu Duc came to power in 1847, died in 1883 at the age of 55.

Tu Duc's tomb is located in the village of Duong Xuan Thuong, in a pine forest, just 8 kilometers from the city of Hue. The construction of the tomb was begun in 1864 and completed three years later.  

Today, Tu Duc's tomb is one of the finest examples of Nguyen dynasty architecture. More than 50 small buildings were erected within the defensive walls. The emperor created the tomb with the expectation that it would serve the people after his death, being not only a tomb, but also a temple.  

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Topic: Tomb of Tu Duc in Vietnam, Hue Resort.Tomb of Tu Duc in Vietnam, Hue Resort

Author: Kelly Costine