Doge's Palace in Italy, Venice resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Doge's Palace in Italy, Venice resort

Doge's Palace in Italy, Venice resort

Rating: 8,3/10 (655 votes)

The Doge's Palace is a monument of Italian Gothic architecture of the 15th century. The author of the first version of the palace project was allegedly the architect Filippo Calendario. The main construction of the palace was carried out in 1309-1424. Today, the building houses a museum.

Upon completion of construction, the palace was, first of all, the residence of the doges of the republic. The building housed the Great Light and the Senate, the Supreme Court and the secret police carried out work. The first floor of the palace was given over to lawyers' offices, censorship services, a naval department and an office. Upper balcony   served as a festive tribune.

Nowadays, the palace, together with the San Marco library, Cathedral of San Marco and other structures forms the main architectural ensemble of Venice.

In December 1577, the palace was badly damaged as a result of a fire. During the restoration work, it was decided to leave the architectural appearance of the palace.

The Doge's Palace, along with other sights of Venice, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


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Topic: Doge's Palace in Italy, Venice resort.Doge's Palace in Italy, Venice resort

Author: Kelly Costine