Church of Saints Constantine and Helena in Bulgaria, Plovdiv resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Church of Saints Constantine and Helena in Bulgaria, Plovdiv resort

Church of Saints Constantine and Helena in Bulgaria, Plovdiv resort

Rating: 8,6/10 (657 votes)
The Church of Saints Constantine and Helena is the oldest church in Plovdiv, which was built on the foundations of a church dating back to the late Roman period.

The temple was dedicated to Constantine the Great - the emperor who ruled in the IV century, who proclaimed the state religion Orthodox Christianity, and his mother - Elena.

The church, which has survived to this day, was built in 1832. The magnificent iconostasis, made in 1836-1840, is the work of the artist Zachary Zograf. The covered portico is decorated with sumptuous murals.

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Topic: Church of Saints Constantine and Helena in Bulgaria, Plovdiv resort.Church of Saints Constantine and Helena in Bulgaria, Plovdiv resort

Author: Kelly Costine