Damascus Gate in Israel, Jerusalem resort (Topic)

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Damascus Gate in Israel, Jerusalem resort

Rating: 8,4/10 (9384 votes)
The Damascus Gate, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, is also called Nablus or Shechem. Also common is the name & ndash; Bab al-Amud. This gate is located opposite the Muslim quarter & nbsp; Sheikh Jarah. Their construction dates back to 1542.

These gates were erected by order of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent. The gate of an older building, & nbsp; created at this place during the reign of Emperor Hadrian & nbsp; in 117-118 AD by that time were destroyed long ago.

The Damascus Gate faces north, the road from them leads to the cities of Shechem and Damascus. They are harmoniously complemented by two towers with hinged loopholes. Now, entering this gate, you can get to the bustling Arab market.

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Topic: Damascus Gate in Israel, Jerusalem resort.Damascus Gate in Israel, Jerusalem resort

Author: Kelly Costine