Rating: 8,2/10 (431 votes) More and more travel sites publish advertisements for the sale of timeshare, but not everywhere there is an explanation of what kind of system it is, how it works, and where it came from. Some of the reviewers claim that it is as simple as buying a tour, while others are -; flatly discourages tourists from getting involved with timeshares. But, like any holiday format, timeshare has its pros and cons. The Vipgeo portal invites you to learn about all sides of this phenomenon in world tourism. History and features of timeshareActually, for the first time, the term timeshare was registered in the United States in 1974, when one of the travel companies offered its clients long-term contracts for annual accommodation in a specific hotel in a specific resort. A little later, this system came to Europe, becoming very popular there among a certain circle of tourists. In fact, timeshare – This is a full-fledged rental of a hotel room by a tourist for one or two weeks a year. There are also contracts for a month of annual residence, or one-time timeshare for owning the property throughout the year. But the most widespread are precisely those timeshare options that give the tourist a place `` for vacation '', most often – on fixed dates of one or two seasons. Timeshare The terms of such contracts each hotel, or, as it is called in the West – club – has the right to install itself. The minimum period of the timeshare – three years, maximum – under 30. Of course, tourists in this case `` redeem '' only a room with the proviso that the club can change the rules of the additional payment at its discretion due to inflation, an increase in the rating, etc. Of course, when it comes to such long periods, then the cost of the timeshare itself – the pleasure is not cheap. A contract for a period of 10 years will cost an ordinary tourist $ 13,000 and more, depending on the prestige of the hotel or apartment. If the timeshare buyer is in doubt, he can sign a trial contract for a week, which will cost about $ 200-450 for a double room. Cost of timeshare According to the level of prestige and prices, timeshares are divided by color, depending on the season:
Important Important: If the first American timeshares had very strict obligations to tourists, now they have somewhat weakened their responsibility. So, tourists from year to year can settle in different hotels, but within the same resort area, when, as in the 1970s, it was unacceptable. Timeshares in Russia appeared in the 1990s in private hotels in the Krasnodar Territory and a number of other regions. At first, these were honest attempts to copy the American system, but later the business went criminal and was taken over by fraudsters. Now there are only a few actually legal companies offering timeshares, but every year the demand for `` club vacations '' begins to grow, though – already outside our country. Basic concepts used in timeshare
Advantages of timeshare
Disadvantages of timeshare
Do timeshares have a future in Russia?The lawlessness of the 90s, a lot of swindlers in modern Russia and a variety of fraudulent schemes associated with the purchase of timeshares repel a large part of tourists from such offers, according to most travel forums. But is everything so bad with timeshares in our country? Fraudulent schemes The main problem is that for more than 20 years, Russian laws have learned very little to control the tourist market. According to tourists who are faced with a `` divorce '' under the guise of timeshares, lawsuits related to the return of money drag on for years. The crimes are obvious, but sometimes it is simply impossible to prove them. Litigation In recent years, some tourist regions For example, the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea began to actively introduce licensing of hotels responsible for timeshare in Russia. This led to a sharp decline in illegal immigrants, but the prices for such services jumped sharply, which scared off the lion's share of our tourists. Prices for services have skyrocketed So far, the fate of timeshares in Russia is unclear, because, according to travel observers, the price for the legal purchase of time in a hotel or apartment cannot be called affordable. For 2016, three-year timeshare contracts in Yalta cost from 100 thousand rubles, and in Sochi this figure may double. Based on this, we can conclude that the transition of timeshare in the Russian tourist market will take years. Cost of world timeshares in 2016 We also recommend reading The best beaches in Rimini Topic: What is a timeshare and what types are there?. |