Nudist beaches in Bulgaria (Topic)

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Nudist beaches in Bulgaria

Rating: 7,6/10 (226 votes)
At least one tourist secretly dreamed of sunbathing absolutely without clothes. The problem is that not everyone is even capable of admitting this desire, and having admitted, they may stumble upon a number of other problems. For example, the laws of the country in which he lives – still in some countries nudism is almost a criminal offense.


Beach in Bulgaria

Fortunately, Bulgaria is not one of those countries, and nudism is here – completely legal and normal phenomenon. On the entire Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, there are more than a dozen zones where you can officially sunbathe and swim negligee, and you won't get anything for it. The only condition from you is – pay for admission and guarantee decent behavior during the holiday.

We have selected 8 of the most popular nudist beaches in Bulgaria. Let's consider them in geographical order – from south to north.

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Topic: Nudist beaches in Bulgaria.Nudist beaches in Bulgaria

Author: Kelly Costine
