Memorial complex ”Mound of Glory” description and photos - Belarus: Mozyr (Topic)

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Memorial complex ”Mound of Glory” description and photos - Belarus: Mozyr

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Memorial complex

Memorial complex "Mound of Glory" description and photos - Belarus: Mozyr. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

The memorial complex "Mound of Glory" was built in 1967 in Mozyr. The opening of the memorial was timed to the 23rd anniversary of the liberation of Mozyr from the Nazi invaders.

A hard fate befell the Belarusian city of Mozyr. The occupation of the city by enemy troops continued for 875 days. All this time the heroic Belarusian people continued to fight the fascists. The city was occupied on August 22, 1941 and liberated only on January 14, 1944.

The monument is a 45-meter stele, a multi-meter cube with the inscription: "Abaronts of Radzimy ad Mazyran", on which a howitzer from the times of the Great Patriotic War is installed, eternal flame, a mass grave of Mozyr soldiers and partisans.

The mass grave of the liberators of Mozyr appeared on the Mound of Glory on the eve of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution. The exhumation and reburial of the remains of the soldiers was carried out with a solemn symbolic funeral. Almost the entire city gathered for a mourning meeting, reaching for the ritually cleaned trucks carrying the ashes of the dead soldiers.

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Topic: Memorial complex ”Mound of Glory” description and photos - Belarus: Mozyr.Memorial complex ”Mound of Glory” description and photos - Belarus: Mozyr

Author: Kelly Costine