Ruins of the Palazzo del Proveditore (Palazzo del Proveditore) description and photos - North Cyprus: Famagusta (Topic)

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Ruins of the Palazzo del Proveditore (Palazzo del Proveditore) description and photos - North Cyprus: Famagusta

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Ruins of the Palazzo del Proveditore palace description and photos - Northern Cyprus: Famagusta

Ruins of the Palazzo del Proveditore, description and photos - North Cyprus: Famagusta. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Palazzo del Proveditore.

Photo and description

The Venetians, who ruled Cyprus in the 15th-16th centuries, played an important role in the development of the island. Moreover, they captured him practically without blood and violence - through many years of intrigue. Immediately after the French left Cyprus, they began to establish their own order there. So, the first thing they did was move the capital of Cyprus from Nicosia to Famagusta. It was during the Italian rule that a huge number of new buildings were erected in the city, more than 1,500 palaces in total, which still delight both locals and foreign tourists.

One of these buildings is the Palazzo del Proveditore , in which the governor lived at that time. It is located in the western part of Namik Kemal Square and was built around 1550 on the site of a royal castle, created in the XIII century during the Lusignan era.

Unfortunately, little is left of the Palazzo del Proveditore now - it was almost completely destroyed by Turkish troops, who at one time used it as a prison. Only the facade of the building and its western wall have survived to this day, as well as four large columns, on which a passage consisting of three high arches rests. Moreover, these columns of the Roman era were specially brought from the ancient city of Salamis.

As for the arches, they were designed according to the example of the triumphal arch of Ancient Rome, and the coat of arms of one of the governors of that time, Giovanni Rainier, is still preserved in the central part. .

Many cannonballs can be seen around the ruins.

Surprisingly, until recently, this place was used as a car park. However, the Palazzo del Proveditore now hosts a variety of concerts and performances.

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Topic: Ruins of the Palazzo del Proveditore (Palazzo del Proveditore) description and photos - North Cyprus: Famagusta.Ruins of the Palazzo del Proveditore (Palazzo del Proveditore) description and photos - North Cyprus: Famagusta

Author: Kelly Costine