Stone Grave description and photo - Ukraine: Melitopol (Topic)

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Stone Grave description and photo - Ukraine: Melitopol

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Stone Grave description and photo - Ukraine: Melitopol

Stone Grave description and photo - Ukraine: Melitopol. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

Kamennaya Mogila is a separate sandstone massif, approximately 240 x 160 m in size, which consists of large boulders up to 12 m in height. This is a stone pile with an area of about 30 thousand square meters. m, resembles a mound in shape. Kamennaya Mogila is located in the valley of the Molochnaya river near the village of Mirnoye, in the Melitopol region. The massif appeared, presumably in the process of solidification under the influence of local iron-bearing minerals of the sandy masses of the former bottom of the Sarmatian Sea. Subsequently, the massif was subject to erosion, both air and water, including being an island of the Molochnaya River for a long time.

In ancient times, this massif was used as a sanctuary, which corresponds to the presence of unique petroglyphs (drawings and inscriptions). This is the only sandstone outcrop in the territory of the entire Azov-Black Sea depression, which allows us to consider it a unique geoformation. Among the stone heaps there is a large number of natural voids - passages, grottoes, etc.

The first mention of the Stone Tomb dates back to the 78th year of the 18th century. During the years of the Russian-Turkish war, Suvorov set up a post at this place, guarding the postal road. Of the researchers, the first Stone Tomb was mentioned in the 37th year of the 19th century by P.I. Koppen. In 1889, excavations were carried out here for the first time under the leadership of N.I. Veselovsky, who, nevertheless, having excavated several caves and not finding any burial or treasures, was disappointed and interrupted the work, leaving only an insignificant record about the Stone Tomb.

In 1986

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Topic: Stone Grave description and photo - Ukraine: Melitopol.Stone Grave description and photo - Ukraine: Melitopol

Author: Kelly Costine