Geography and climate in Vemdalen (Topic)

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Geography and climate in Vemdalen

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Geography and   Climate

Vemdalen is one of the   most popular ski resorts in Sweden. It is   located in the   province of Jomtland in the   north-western part of the country.

The climate in the   resort is predominantly mountainous, the average January temperature is -6 ...- 8 ° C.

In the   summertime, the temperature at the   resort in   average +17 ... + 22 ° C.

You can get to the resort with   transfers by   train from   the capital of Sweden   - Stockholm (440   kilometers), to   station Moa, Sundsvall or Yusdal, then a bus follows to   Vemdalen.

Time zone: GTM +1 (-2 hours to   Moscow).

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Topic: Geography and climate in Vemdalen.Geography and climate in Vemdalen

Author: Kelly Costine
