Geography and climate in Graz (Topic)

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Geography and climate in Graz

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Geography and climate


Graz – the second largest Austrian city, located in the southeast of the country. The city is located on the Mur River, where it breaks out from the narrow gorge of the Styrian Alps to the spacious and fertile intermontane basin of Grazer Feld. The Schlossberg mountain, over 120 meters high, can be seen from anywhere in the city. There was already a defensive fortress on it in the 9th century.


Graz is located in the south east of the Alps, thanks to which it is protected from westerly winds blowing from the Atlantic. Therefore, the weather in Graz is influenced by the Mediterranean Sea. There are many more sunny and warm days here than, for example, in Vienna, and there is less rainfall. In the mountains, however, the climatic conditions are more severe than in the valley.


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Topic: Geography and climate in Graz.Geography and climate in Graz

Author: Kelly Costine
