Podgorica. Recreation and entertainment (Topic)

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Podgorica. Recreation and entertainment

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There are beautiful parks in the southern, northern and central parts of the city, which will be an excellent place for walking and relaxing.

There are excellent restaurants in the central part of the city where you can taste the amazing local cuisine.

In the modern part of the city there are shops and boutiques of famous brands. There are also several large shopping centers in the city where you can buy excellent souvenirs and much more. On the outskirts of the city, it is worth visiting the outdoor markets where you can buy inexpensive clothes.

Traditional events are often held in Pogorica. In the last week of August, the International Podgorica Marathon is held here, in which guests of the city can also take part. The race runs from Podgorica to Danilovgrad, and then back.

The city, like many Italian and Montenegrin cities, also takes part in the international bicycle race. The race track passes through the northern part of Montenegro and the Adriatic coast, then the participants enter Italy, where the competition continues in the Puglia region.

Every December in the city you can visit the December Arts Festival, which marks the end of each year. The festival program includes book presentations, theater and music performances, performances and art exhibitions.

During the summer season, the city hosts "Podgorica Cultural Summer", within which in the evenings in the wing of the Cultural and Information Center"Budo Tomovich" musical concerts of jazz and rock are held.

In autumn it is worth visiting the International Festival of Alternative Theaters, which gathers a large number of theatrical groups.


Attractions and tourism

Podgorica has a large number of historical and cultural attractions.

The Museum of Podgorica, built in 1950, displays unique exhibits from the Illyrian and Roman eras, as well as exhibitions related to ethnographic, cultural, historical and archaeological values.

The palace, built at the end of the 19th century, previously belonged to Nikolay Petrovich Njegusha. Today it houses the Petrovich Gallery, which exhibits over a thousand works of art. The gallery often holds exhibitions featuring works by local painters and sculptors.

On one of the city squares there is a monument to A.S. Pushkin. The monument was made by sculptor Alexander Taratynov and designed by Mikhail Korsi.

Families who come to the city with children will be able to appreciate the Montenegrin National Theater, which also includes the Puppet and Children's Theaters .

17 kilometers from the city, near the village of Horni-Crnci, is Monastery Chelia Piperskaya, built in 1637-1815. In the central part of the monastery complex there is a Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which houses the relics of the Monk Stephen of Pipersky - the founder of the monastery.



Only 30 kilometers from the city is the town of Medun. This walled city, according to scientists, was built in the 3rd century BC and over the years passed from one owner to another.

In the history of the city from the Illyrian period, there are steps carved into the rock that lead to the acropolis located in the mountains. Here you can also see wall fragments and an old church.

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Topic: Podgorica. Recreation and entertainment.Podgorica. Recreation and entertainment

Author: Kelly Costine