Rating: 7,9/10 (2893 votes) The area of the park is 958 square kilometers. In 1887 and 1897, Rama the Fifth visited this park. During the construction of the bridge over the River Kwai, Japanese soldiers settled here. The national park itself was founded in 1975. The park is crossed by mountains, the height of which reaches 1 kilometer. The highest point of the park & ndash; Ro Rae (1125 meters). The most common deciduous mixed forest in the park. You can also find evergreen forests, as well as bamboo groves. Their animals are tigers, hares, chamois, elephants, pheasants, deer and many others. One unique animal also lives here – Coon Kitty bat, which is the smallest bat in the whole world. Its length is 3 centimeters, and its weight is – only 2 grams. We also recommend reading Sinaharind Safari Park in Thailand, Kanchanaburi Resort Topic: Sai Yok Park in Thailand, Kanchanaburi Resort. |