Pig (Utkosvin) in Finland, Turku resort (Topic)

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Pig (Utkosvin) in Finland, Turku resort

Pig (Utkosvin) is an unusual statue in the Finnish city of Turku. The hotel is located near the campus and campus of the University of Turku, in front of the Caribia Hotel-Aqua Park. The statue is an informal symbol of the hotel.

It is a sculpture of a strange hybrid of a pig and a duck: the pink animal has a body and head from a duck, but a piglet and tail are from a pig. The statue was designed by Alvar Gullichsen in 1999. She originally sailed on the Aurajoki River, and since 2001 has been in the current location in front of the hotel. Every winter, on the eve of Christmas and New Years, a Santa hat is put on the statue.

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Topic: Pig (Utkosvin) in Finland, Turku resort.Pig (Utkosvin) in Finland, Turku resort

Author: Kelly Costine
