Eastbourne Redoubt and Martello Towers. in the UK (Topic)

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Eastbourne Redoubt and Martello Towers. in the UK

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ImageBoth the Eastbourne Redoubt and the Martello Towers are located in the southern coastal town and the famous British resort of Eastbourne. These structures have remained in the city since the days when Eastbourne had to be not just a quiet resort town, but a defensive point in international wars. The first danger from which they tried to defend the city was the attack of Napoleon in 1804-1812. It was then, to defend against a French attack from the sea along the southern and eastern edges of the British coast, as well as in Ireland and on the islands, military fortifications were erected in large numbers, called the Martello Towers (named after similar fortifications in Corsica). The towers were round in shape and relatively small in size, about 12 meters in height and strong stone walls. Artillery forces were placed on the upper turning platform of each tower to fire at the enemy. Each tower was served by a garrison of 15-25 soldiers. The uniqueness of the British Martello towers is that they all together made up an almost inseparable chain, being within sight of each other. In addition to the tower, coastal redoubts with their own barracks, arsenals and warehouses were also needed for defense. Eastbourne, Harwich and Dimchurch were gifted with such redoubts. The first of them was built in 1804-1810. However, in the Napoleonic war, the French did not have time to reach Great Britain, being defeated by the Russian army. Therefore, neither the towers nor the redoubts have fulfilled their direct purpose. However, already in the First World War, the headquarters of the military police was located in the Eastbourne Redoubt, and in the Second World War - a warehouse. Back in 1944, the same redoubt became a place of resettlement for Canadian troops waiting to be sent to the Norman coast. From 1977 to the present day, a museum has been operating in Eastbourne Fortress, open to the public in April-November. It is considered the largest military museum in the southeast British coast. Military reenactors often organize their events here. ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

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Topic: Eastbourne Redoubt and Martello Towers. in the UK.Eastbourne Redoubt and Martello Towers. in the UK

Author: Kelly Costine