Reidt Castle in Germany (Topic)

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Reidt Castle in Germany

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Reidt Castle is located in the district of the same name in the German city of Monchengladbach, which, in turn, is located in the state of North Rhine — Westphalia. The castle was built back in the Renaissance, which was reflected in its architectural style.

The first written mentions of this building date back to 1180, in a letter from the Cologne Archbishop Philip I it is noted that the owner of the castle was Wilhelm von Heppendorf. For three consecutive centuries, the castle was in the power of the Bilandt baronial family.

The modern appearance of Reidt Castle – merit of Otto von Bilandt, a representative of the mentioned family. He decided to re-plan his residence and invited an architect from Italy for this, son of the famous Alessandro Pascalini. After the alteration, the appearance of the castle was supplemented by a number of casemates and bastions, and by a deep moat around the perimeter of the castle.

The decoration of the interior has also changed, on the walls a large number of beautiful stones, statues and paintings appeared. These creations are fairly well preserved and have survived to this day. The 19th century became very hectic for Reidt Castle: the owners were constantly changing, but none of them had the material resources to support the welfare of the castle, so the architectural monument fell into a very deplorable state.

Only in In 1917, after the city authorities acquired it, the castle was somewhat reconstructed and opened already as a museum. And in 1978, the Reidt Castle Museum was awarded the `` European Museum of the Year. '' At the end of the 20th century, more thorough reconstruction works were carried out here; they tried to give the interior of the castle the appearance of a building of the 16th century. It is no coincidence that today the organizers of various medieval festivals are happy to choose this castle as a venue.


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Topic: Reidt Castle in Germany.Reidt Castle in Germany

Author: Kelly Costine
