Liechtenstein Palace in Austria, Vienna spa (Topic)

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Liechtenstein Palace in Austria, Vienna spa

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Liechtenstein Palace is a very beautiful city building built in the Baroque style. The palace was created at the request of one of the princes of Liechtenstein. Its construction began in 1692.

The palace was originally created as a country villa. On the first floor there was a lower hall (large salon), the princes' apartments and two grand staircases that led to the next floor. In 1910, the library, which was a unique example of the beginning of Austrian classicism, was moved to one of the rooms on the ground floor. The second floor houses the monumental hall of Hercules. The best masters of their time worked on the decoration of the palace, for example, Santino Bussi, Marcantonio Franceschini, Johann Michael Rothmayr and others.

Today, Liechtenstein Palace is a museum-palace that houses collections of great artists such as Raphael, Rubens, Rembrandt, Lucas Cranach, Hamilton, Van Rijsdal and Van Dijk. The museum displays a collection of weapons, a large collection of bronze and porcelain items. The French carriage is considered to be a particularly valuable exhibit of the museum.

The museum also exhibits many works of international art from the beginning of the 18th century to the present time. The leading role in the exposition is taken by monuments, sculptures and masterpieces of an interesting direction Arte Povera, which translates as"poor art". That is, to create the work, a kind of unremarkable materials were used, waste from which masterpieces were sculpted.

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Topic: Liechtenstein Palace in Austria, Vienna spa.Liechtenstein Palace in Austria, Vienna spa

Author: Kelly Costine