Salzburg Zoo in Austria, Salzburg resort (Topic)

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Salzburg Zoo in Austria, Salzburg resort

Rating: 8,3/10 (3092 votes)

Salzburg Zoo is located in the southern part of the city and occupies a small area of about 100 hectares. It is located in a very picturesque place, its main part runs along the cliff. The opening of the zoo took place in 1961.

The entire territory of the zoo is divided into geographic zones, in accordance with which certain animals are placed on them. Due to the special mountain climate and professionalism of the people working in the zoo, almost 800 different representatives of the fauna get along in the institution, most of them are mammals.

In the first years of the zoo's existence, it contained a small number of species animals such as wild boars, deer, mouflons, fallow deer and so on. Over the course of 30 years, the zoo has expanded, new aviaries have been created, in which exotic animals settled. In 1990, the zoo management revised its policy, and the entire zoo was divided into zones in accordance with the zoogeographic principle. Thus, three large zones were identified, symbolizing three continents: Africa, South America and Eurasia. Since that time, an unusual exposition of the zoo has appeared here: a huge aviary, where animals characteristic of the latitudes of Africa live, for example, kangaroos, rhinos, antelopes, zebras, a large number of African birds and monkeys, as well as representatives of the feline family. In other zones of the menagerie, you can see representatives of the fauna of Eurasia - bears, marmots, lynxes, chamois, otters and so on. Representatives of the Latin American fauna live in the South American zone.

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Topic: Salzburg Zoo in Austria, Salzburg resort.Salzburg Zoo in Austria, Salzburg resort

Author: Kelly Costine