Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Germany, resort of Worms (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Germany, resort of Worms

Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Germany, resort of Worms

Rating: 8,0/10 (900 votes)
The Basilica of St. Andrew the First-Called, built in the 11th century, is one of the oldest buildings in the city of Worms.

Currently The building houses the city museum, founded in the 20th century, which displays a large collection of Frankish, Roman and prehistoric antiquities discovered during excavations in the city and its surrounding areas. There is also a collection of items on the history of Worms, a library containing works by Luther and others, and a collection of publications from the Worms printing house.


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Topic: Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Germany, resort of Worms.Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Germany, resort of Worms

Author: Kelly Costine
