Weimar Castle in Germany, Weimar Resort (Topic)

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Weimar Castle in Germany, Weimar Resort

Rating: 8,1/10 (351 votes)
Weimar Castle, located in the eastern part of Weimar, is a three-storey stately Baroque building.

In 1774 In 2006, a strong fire occurred in the castle, as a result of which the building was seriously damaged. In 1789, a number of reconstruction works were carried out in the castle, during which the interior acquired the style of classicism.

The colonnade, made in the style of neo-classical, Falcon Gallery, deserves special attention in the architecture of the castle complex , Main Hall and Goethe Gallery. In the south-eastern part you can see the medieval castle tower, the top of which is decorated with an intricate baroque bas-relief.

Nowadays, the castle houses the Weimar collection of art, which includes a fairly extensive collection of works from different eras. In the exposition of German art from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, one can observe Thuringian altars created by Hans Baldung and Karnach the Elder, Flemish and Danish paintings of the XVI – XVII centuries, Italian works of art of the XVI – XVII centuries, works of art from the time of Goethe, paintings by painters of the Weimar school, the work of German romantics. There is also a collection of graphics with over 150,000 sketches.


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Topic: Weimar Castle in Germany, Weimar Resort.Weimar Castle in Germany, Weimar Resort

Author: Kelly Costine