Slovak National Museum (Slovenske nerodne muzeum) description and photos - Slovakia: Bratislava (Topic)

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Slovak National Museum (Slovenske nerodne muzeum) description and photos - Slovakia: Bratislava

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Slovak National Museum (Slovenske nerodne muzeum) description and photos - Slovakia: Bratislava

Slovak National Museum (Slovenske nerodne muzeum) description and photos - Slovakia: Bratislava. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Slovenske nerodne muzeum.

Photo and description

Not far from the Old Bridge at the junction of the Faynorovaya and Vajanska embankments is the building of the Slovak National Museum. This cultural institution has 18 branches located in different parts of the country. There are also several castles under the auspices of the museum, such as Cherveny Kamen and Bojnice. One of the branches of this museum occupies the halls of the Bratislava Castle.

Its main building houses a natural history collection that tells about the flora and fauna of Slovakia. Several rooms are dedicated to geological findings. In addition to permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions are often held here. The subject matter of such exhibitions can be completely different: numismatic collections, archaeological artifacts, ethnographic collections were demonstrated here. The third floor of the museum is reserved for a large collection of books. The local library can be used by academics and faculty from local universities.

The collection of the Slovak National Museum has more than 3 million exhibits.

The idea of creating a National Museum of Slovakia appeared in 1893. The main inspirer and responsible for the collection of the exhibits was Andrey Kmet, who is considered the founder of this institution.

In front of the museum there is a majestic monument, erected in 1988 in honor of the anniversary of the emergence of Czechoslovakia. There was once a statue of a lion on the pedestal, but after five years it was destroyed. Nevertheless, no one was going to remove the stele. This is how the monument to a defunct state still stands.

A little off to the side on the banks of the Danube there is a marina for pleasure ships.

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Topic: Slovak National Museum (Slovenske nerodne muzeum) description and photos - Slovakia: Bratislava.Slovak National Museum (Slovenske nerodne muzeum) description and photos - Slovakia: Bratislava

Author: Kelly Costine