Market Bar - Dubai (Textile Market) in the UAE, Dubai Resort (Topic)

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Market Bar - Dubai (Textile Market) in the UAE, Dubai Resort

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Bar Market - Dubai is often referred to as the textile market. He is one of the old roars of Dubai. The entrance gate of the market is a pair of carved wooden columns, and the market itself looks like a pedestrian street on both sides of which there are shops.

The Dubai Municipal Department of Historic Buildings has allocated a fairly large amount of money for restoration traditional buildings of the Bar Dubai area, including the textile market. The lighting and paving of the market has been improved. Replaced ugly neon signs with traditional stone ones that create the atmosphere of the past.

The bulk of shop and shop owners are Hindus, only a small part of Arabs are those whose families have run shops for many decades, and their children do not want to break the tradition and continue the activities of their ancestors.

Bar Market - Dubai is famous for its fabrics. Almost all types of fabrics are offered here: from chintz, silk to brocade, national costumes of different peoples. Having bought a cut and picking up the buttons, you can immediately order tailoring of any model at a reasonable price from high-class tailors. In addition to fabrics and costumes, they sell toys, inexpensive watches and Asian-made clothing. Also in this market you can see vendors of"old" souvenirs - daggers and coins. Their authenticity is highly questionable.

There is also a small shop in the Dubai Bar market, which, due to the venerable age of the seller and the dustiness, may seem like an antique shop. Among ordinary souvenirs, if you wish, you can find old copper products, such as coffee pots with the master's brand.

When buying any product, you need to bargain, you can get a 50% discount.  


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Topic: Market Bar - Dubai (Textile Market) in the UAE, Dubai Resort.Market Bar - Dubai (Textile Market) in the UAE, Dubai Resort

Author: Kelly Costine