City park in Austria, Graz spa (Topic)

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City park in Austria, Graz spa

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Graz City Park is considered one of the largest public parks in the city. It was founded by Mayor Moritz von Franco in 1869. The basis for the creation of the park was the fact that the former military land was transferred to the municipality of the city. The park was opened in 1873 with the financial support of the"Association for the Improvement of Graz", which was founded by Moritz von Franco, and even after leaving politics was its chairman.

The park was created in the style of English garden, exotic and rare trees were planted here. In the 1970s, the old cast iron lanterns were converted from gas to electricity. For a comfortable stay in the park, about 600 metal benches were installed.  

The centerpiece of the city park is the fountain of Emperor Franz Joseph, which was opened to the public in 1894. There are many statues and monuments around the fountain. Here you can see statues of the astronomer Johannes Kepler, the writer Anastasius Grun, the writer Robert Hamerling, the playwright Schiller, the founder of the park Moritz von Frank.

In the late 50s of the XX century, next to the central fountain steel extraordinary and creative people gathered, as a result of which a cafe was created here, called the Forum of the City Park.

In 1981, a bike path was created for outdoor enthusiasts.
="a">Today, the city park is a favorite meeting and recreation place for locals.

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Topic: City park in Austria, Graz spa.City park in Austria, Graz spa

Author: Kelly Costine