Franciscan monastery in Austria, Graz resort (Topic)

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Franciscan monastery in Austria, Graz resort

Rating: 8,1/10 (630 votes)
The Franciscan monastery is located in the historic center of Graz, slightly west of the central square.

The monastery was founded in 1239 and was known as the Minorite monastery. But in 1515 it was handed over to the Franciscan order.

The Franciscan Church in Graz is best known for its tall tower with a green onion dome. But it did not appear immediately; it was completed in 1643. During the Second World War, the monastery was badly damaged during the bombing, but after the end of the war it was rebuilt again.

The inside of the church is a fairly large room with a ribbed vaulted ceiling. The altar of the church dates back to 1720 and is located on a hill, due to which it noticeably dominates the interior. The interior of the church is very rich and made in the Baroque style. Many gilded stuccoes, paintings and statues can be seen here.

The main bell tower of the church houses an ancient bell dating from 1272.

The buildings of the Franciscan monastery are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as architectural monuments of the historic center of Graz.


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Topic: Franciscan monastery in Austria, Graz resort.Franciscan monastery in Austria, Graz resort

Author: Kelly Costine