Church of Sant Bonifacio e Alessio in Italy, Rome resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Church of Sant Bonifacio e Alessio in Italy, Rome resort

Church of Sant Bonifacio e Alessio in Italy, Rome resort

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The Church of Sant Bonifacio e Alessio is located in Rome on the Aventine Hill. In the 18th century, the basilica was significantly rebuilt in the Baroque style, but the bell tower and the Romanesque crypt XII – XIII centuries. The main shrines of the temple – the relics of Saints Boniface and Alexis, who rest under the main throne, as well as the icon of the Mother of God of Edessa.

The original basilica was erected at the end of the 5th century. Written information about the veneration of the holy Martyr Boniface dates back to the first half of the 7th century. The church was built on the site where the house of Euthymianus and Aglais used to be - – Alexy's parents, in which he spent the last years of his life.

By the 10th century, a Greek colony had formed on the Aventine Hill, the core of which was the Orthodox, who fled from the iconoclasts to Rome in the 8th – IX centuries. All services in the churches of San Giorgio al Velabro and Santa Maria in Cosmedin, located nearby, were performed according to the Greek rite. The Church of St. Boniface in 977 was transferred by Pope Benedict the Seventh to Metropolitan Sergius of Damascus, who was hiding from Muslim oppression. Soon Sergius founded a monastery in which monks of the Latin and Greek rites lived. At the end of the X century, the monastery church was consecrated again, but in honor of two saints – alexia and Boniface.

For many centuries the monastery was one of the spiritual centers of the country, and its inhabitants were engaged in missionary work in Eastern Europe. Missionary activity is associated with the active spread of the veneration of St. Alexis among Catholics throughout Europe.

Under Honorius III, the temple was rebuilt into a three-aisled basilica. During construction, the side aisles were separated from the main aisle by arcades. In 1216, during the rebuilding, the relics of St. Alexis were placed under the main altar of the church. At the same time, the floor of the basilica acquired the cosmatesco style.

In 1426 the monastery and the basilica itself were taken over by the order of the Hieronymite Observators, which remained here for four centuries. At the turn of the XVI – In the 17th century, the basilica underwent a number of changes, which were recorded in a book written by Felice Maria Nerini in 1752. In 1587, the church was elevated to the rank of cardinal, i.e. its titular governors were exclusively cardinals.

The temple acquired its present appearance in 1755 during a significant reconstruction undertaken on the eve of the jubilee 1750. The architect was appointed Giovanni Battista Nolli, who was replaced shortly after his death by the Roman architect Tommaso de Marchi. Upon completion of construction, the temple acquired its current baroque appearance.


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Topic: Church of Sant Bonifacio e Alessio in Italy, Rome resort.Church of Sant Bonifacio e Alessio in Italy, Rome resort

Author: Kelly Costine