Umbilicus urbis (”navel of the city”) in Italy, Rome resort (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Umbilicus urbis (”navel of the city”) in Italy, Rome resort

Umbilicus urbis (”navel of the city”) in Italy, Rome resort

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The Temple of Umbilicus urbis in our time is the ruins of a small church located in the Roman Forum, which in ancient times symbolized the central point not only of the city, but also of the Roman Empire.

The temple was also the place where, according to legend, the entrance to the underworld was. The building was erected during the republican period. In those days, sacrifices were made in the temple.


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Topic: Umbilicus urbis (”navel of the city”) in Italy, Rome resort.Umbilicus urbis (”navel of the city”) in Italy, Rome resort

Author: Kelly Costine
