Church of Saints Peter and Paul in the Czech Republic, Prague spa (Topic)

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Church of Saints Peter and Paul in the Czech Republic, Prague spa

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The Church of Saints Peter and Paul is one of the oldest buildings in Prague.

Originally, a small chapel was built on the site of today's neo-Gothic church in 1070. The Czech ruler Vratislav II dedicated it to Saints Peter and Paul. Throughout its existence, the church has been rebuilt several times.

At the beginning of the 12th century, the church was significantly expanded. In the XIII century, a number of reconstructions were carried out here, as a result of which the church acquired the Gothic style. At the beginning of the 15th century, the cathedral was badly damaged, and in the 16th century it was rebuilt in the Renaissance style. At the beginning of the 18th century, the church acquired the features of the Prague Baroque.

In the 19th century, during the reconstruction work, the temple acquired its modern neo-Gothic appearance. The reconstruction of the church was carried out under the direction of the architect Josef Moker, and later – Frantisek Miks, who also completed the building with two neo-Gothic facade towers, which were named 'Adam' and Eve. The new interior decoration of the church was also done by Joseph Moker.

The rich interior decoration of the temple is quite peculiar. The neo-Gothic tympanum, located above the main portal, is famous for its image of the Last Judgment, made by the sculptor Zaleshak. The walls of the church are decorated with hand-made wall paintings – in the northern nave, a rich baroque painting has been partially preserved, and in the southern one – gothic frescoes. Unfortunately, most of the early murals were painted over during the last renovation.

The main attraction of the church is the painting"Virgin Mary of Visegrad", executed in the middle of the 14th century on a blackboard. This picture also bears another name – `` Rainy '', as peasants used to come to her to pray for rain and protection of the harvest. Today the original painting is in the National Gallery.

Some of the representatives of the Premyslid family were buried in the church's tomb. Konrad, Vratislav II, Sobeslav I and Sobeslav II. A stone sarcophagus dating back to 1100, made in the Romanesque style, in which one of the Premyslids was possibly buried, has survived to our time.

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Topic: Church of Saints Peter and Paul in the Czech Republic, Prague spa.Church of Saints Peter and Paul in the Czech Republic, Prague spa

Author: Kelly Costine
