Royal Summer Palace Belvedere in the Czech Republic, Prague spa (Topic)

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Royal Summer Palace Belvedere in the Czech Republic, Prague spa

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The Belvedere or Summer Palace of Queen Anne is one of the buildings near the Paris Castle, built in the years 1538-1565 in the Renaissance style.

The construction of the palace was started in 1538 by order of Ferdinand the First for his wife Anna Angelonca. After recent studies of the reliefs, it was found that the mythological program was carried out in the power of autocratic power - the power of the Habsburg dynasty in Central Europe. Such a program, as a rule, is not installed on a building intended only for private life, but rather is used for representative purposes.

Construction began in 1538 with the participation of   the sculptor Paolo della Stella; and the builder Giovanni Spazio, who was gradually supplanted by Paolo. After the death of the sculptor, Hans Tyrol took over the construction. In 1556 Bonifatz Wolmuth finished the palace.

The construction of the palace was delayed due to the fire that took place in 1541. At that time, work was suspended, and in 1554 new changes were made to the construction plan. According to the plan, another floor was added to the building.

Belvedere Palace was the first Renaissance building in the Czech Republic. In the 16th century, such a building was innovative even for Italy.

Later, the palace served as a repository where Rudolph II kept his collection. An observatory was set up in the courtyard, where astronomer Tycho Brahe conducted his observations.

At the end of the 18th century, the Austrian army was stationed in the palace. In 1836, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out in the building, during which the appearance of the interior of the palace was greatly changed. A large staircase was built on the site of the last hall, and the main hall was decorated with historical images created by the painter Christian Ruben.

In 1989, during another reconstruction, a fire occurred near the roof structures, as a result of which the copper coating was slightly damaged.

In the park in front of the palace, you can see the famous Singing Fountain, made of bronze by the Brno master Tomasz Jaros in 1568.

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Topic: Royal Summer Palace Belvedere in the Czech Republic, Prague spa.Royal Summer Palace Belvedere in the Czech Republic, Prague spa

Author: Kelly Costine