Tomb of Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakai in Israel, resort of Tiberias (Topic)

Traval Articles » Travel » Tomb of Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakai in Israel, resort of Tiberias

Tomb of Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakai in Israel, resort of Tiberias

Rating: 7,5/10 (100 votes)
Johanan Ben-Zakai in ancient times was a famous sage. He lived in the era of the destruction of the Second Temple. For many Jews, this figure has become a symbol of the preservation of Judaism. The tomb of Johanan Ben-Zakai is revered by the Jewish people, as well as by numerous pilgrims who come here to pay tribute to the memory of this great man.

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Topic: Tomb of Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakai in Israel, resort of Tiberias.Tomb of Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakai in Israel, resort of Tiberias

Author: Kelly Costine
