Theaters in Austria (Topic)

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Theaters in Austria

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Almost all tours to Austria, one way or another, relate to the cultural programs of this European country. Numerous concert halls, operas and festival venues attract millions of tourists from all over the world, regardless of the season.

Theaters occupy a special place in the lists of the most visited places in Austria. We invite you to get acquainted with the most famous Austrian stages, which have world fame and recognition.

Landestetheater (Linz)

The construction of the theater began with the expansion of the dance hall in 1802, a new theater was opened October 3, 1803. In 1940, the building of the Land Theater was reconstructed and expanded. In the period from 1954 to 1958, the Big House and the Chamber Theater were rebuilt.


Landestetheater (Linz)

Later, the Ursulinenhof basement theater was added to the State Theater, which was distinguished by its experimental performances. In 1999, it became a theater center for children and youth and was given a short name – Do ’ hof. The theater's repertoire has since been transferred to the Eisenhand Theater, a rebuilt former cinema.

Vienna Chamber Opera

The Vienna Chamber Opera is located in the center of Vienna and is relatively young compared to the renowned Viennese opera houses theaters. It often features works by contemporary composers and classical operas in unusual arrangements. It was founded by conductor Hans Gabor in 1948.

The theater is considered experimental, one of the successful experiments was the rock opera La Boheme. and 'Carmen' directed by George Tabori, who has modernized the classics.

Vienna Chamber Opera

Since 1982, on the initiative of the founder of the Gabor Theater, International Vocal Competitions have been held. Since 1994, the competition began to bear the name of the deceased Hans Gabor.

Landestetheater (Salzburg)

The State Theater was created in Salzburg in 1775 by Prince-Bishop Jerome as a court episcopal theater ... The theater building was rebuilt and expanded in the 1788-1789s. He was hired by various theater companies. After the abolition of the episcopate in Salzburg, the theater continued its activities, periodically changing its names.

In 1939, the theater was repaired: the facade was rebuilt and the interior was renewed, removing gilding and pretentious stucco molding in many places. Since 1940, the theater became known as the Landesteater. After reconstruction in 2003-2004, the theater was restored to its former appearance, in addition, it was updated in accordance with modern requirements.

Operettas, musicals, classical opera and ballet works are staged on the theater stage.

Theater an der Wien

Theater an der Wien has existed since the opening of a new theater in Mariahilfa by impresario Schikaneder in 1801. The impresario all the time dreamed of a beautiful modern building for the theater, equipped with modern technical innovations of the time.


Theater an der Wien

The New Theater an der Wien was opened on June 13, 1801 and at that time was recognized by critics as one of the largest and most well-designed theaters in Europe. The unprecedented popularity of Viennese operettas in the 19th century brought fame to the Theater an der Wien, it was the golden age for theater. Since 2006, the theater has only staged operas.

Vienna State Opera

One of the most popular attractions of the Austrian capital is the Vienna State Opera. It is included in the list of the best opera houses in the world. The history of the theater begins in the 17th century, when he was still the Vienna Court Opera. The theater opened with the premiere of Mozart's opera Don Giovanni in May 1869.

During the Second World War, the building was destroyed and restored only in 1955. Many connoisseurs of opera art want to get into the Vienna State Opera.

The Vienna Opera, like other leading European theaters, has a dress code. For men, a strict suit is required, ideally – tuxedo. Women need to have an evening dress – as luxurious as your wallet allows.

The famous Vienna Opernbal is held here every year.

Important: Vienna Opera – one of the few halls in Europe that has retained the concept of an `` admission ticket ''. Literally for 10 euros, you can buy a standing place and join the high art, subject to the dress code. The rest of the tickets are divided into 2 categories: category A and B. The first option is considered elite, and concerns performances, tickets for which are difficult to find even at a very high price.

Vienna Folk Opera

The second Vienna opera house after the Vienna State Opera is the Vienna Folk Opera, called the Volksoper. The history of the theater begins in 1898, when the City Theater was founded by the Burgomaster of Vienna Karl Luger.

Five years later, the theater was declared bankrupt. From September 1903, singer, director and entrepreneur Rainer Simons became the director of the theater, giving the theater a new name -" People's Opera. On the stage of the Vienna Folk, deliveries of various genres are staged: operettas and musicals, opera and ballet performances, performances for children, classical and modern operas.


In March 1741, the official the opening of the Royal Court Theater, from that time the history of the Austrian Burgtheater begins as the center of theatrical culture in Austria. In 1888, a new theater building was built, but it was destroyed during the Second World War. The building was restored in 1955. Since then, the Burgtheater has been considered the main theater venue in Vienna and is the most famous theater in Europe.

Josefstadt Theater

Along with the Burgtheater, a small stage in the elite quarter of Vienna is one of the oldest operating theaters in all of Austria. The Josefstadt Theater was founded in 1780 and has since been rebuilt several times. The last reconstructions, which seriously changed the appearance of the theater, took place already in the 20th century.

Nevertheless, the 19th century was the golden era for the Josefstadt theater. It was during this century that composers such as Johann Strauss and Richard Wagner performed on the local stage and even directed orchestras. And the legendary Beethoven even wrote his overture `` Consecration of the House '' for the theater. The work was presented by the maestro himself in 1822, at the opening of the stage after another reconstruction.


Theater Josefstadt

The current look of the theater fits perfectly into the urban style of the quarter. Inside, the Josefstadt Theater – this is an ultra-modern stage that allows you to embody the most daring director's ideas.

Puppet Theater (Salzburg)

The Salzburg Puppet Theater is famous for the fact that, unlike other world puppet theaters, it is an opera house. Operettas and musical and dramatic performances, as well as opera and ballet performances are staged here with the participation of puppets. It was founded in 1913 by the sculptor Anton Aicher. Today, the Salzburg Puppet Theater is the world leader in the puppet theater genre.


The Vienna Konzerthaus began operations in 1913 as a typical variety theater where illusionists performed and other mediums offering bright shows to a rich audience. The first project of the hall meant a huge arena for 40 thousand people, but the impending World War I prevented the project from taking place.



Emperor Franz Joseph personally sat in the honorary box at the opening of the hall, and Richard Strauss was appointed the chief conductor of the orchestra. The new temple of art had 3 full-fledged halls with perfect acoustics at that time and rich interior. In total, the Konzerthaus could accommodate 4 thousand people.

By the end of World War II, the theater was in for a rebirth. The performances of magicians ceased to bring a lot of income, and the format of performances had to be radically changed. Since the 1950s, jazz began to sound in the house of music, and after – rock and roll and pop music.

In the 1990s, the Concert House reconstructed again, now it can accommodate 2880 people, in the same three rooms. Since 2013, the final of the national selection round for Eurovision has been held here.

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Topic: Theaters in Austria.Theaters in Austria

Author: Kelly Costine