Prado Museum description and photos - Spain: Madrid (Topic)

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Prado Museum description and photos - Spain: Madrid

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Prado Museum description and photos - Spain: Madrid

Prado Museum description and photos - Spain: Madrid. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Prado.

Photo and description

The Prado Museum was founded by Isabella Bragana, wife of Ferdinand VII. In 1819 it was housed in its present building as the Royal Museum. Here canvases of the Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Flemish and German schools are exhibited.

The Museum and its branches

But in order to get a complete picture of its collections, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the exposition deployed in the central building (painting from the Middle Ages to the 18th century), but also visiting the Villahermosa Palace, which houses an excellent collection from the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection (painting of the XII-XX centuries), and Cason del Buen Retiro, a branch of the museum, which is located on the street Philip IV (Spanish painting and sculpture of the 19th century, as well as works of some English and French painters).

The Prado Museum Collection

The Prado has the richest collection of works of art, many of which are among the true masterpieces. The museum contains works of such famous Spanish masters as Berruguete, El Greco, Ribera, Zurbaran, Murillo, collections of Velazquez's paintings, exceptional in their completeness and quality (including Delivery of Breda, Meninas, Spinners, numerous portraits of King Philip IV and members of his family, a series of portraits of royal jesters and much more) and Goya (among them - The Family of King Charles IV, Naked Mach and Dressed Mach, Shooting on the Night May 2 to 3, 1808 '', a number of magnificent portraits). The Dutch school is represented by the work of such brilliant painters as Rogier van der Weyden, Bosch, Memling, Bruegel. Of the German masters, Durer should be mentioned first of all. The collection of Italian painting is exceptionally rich - Fra Angelico and Botticelli, Raphael and Titian, Giorgione, Veronese and Tintoretto. In addition to paintings, you will find in the museum collections of antique coins, porcelain and jewelry.


  • Location: Calle Ruiz de Alarc ó n, 23, Madrid.
  • Nearest metro stations: "Anton Martin", "Banco de Espa ñ a", "Atocha".
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: daily, Mon-Sat - from 10.00 to 20.00, on Sunday and holidays - from 10.00 to 19.00. On January 6, December 24 and 31, the museum is open from 10.00 to 14.00. The museum is closed on January 1, May 1 and December 25.
  • Tickets: adults - 14 euros, senior citizens - 7 euros, children under 18 and students under 25 - free. Free admission to the museum from Monday to Saturday from 18.00 to 20.00, on Sundays and holidays - from 17.00 to 19.00. At the same time, the cost of temporary exhibitions is reduced by 50%.
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Topic: Prado Museum description and photos - Spain: Madrid.Prado Museum description and photos - Spain: Madrid

Author: Kelly Costine