Casa di Giulietta description and photos - Italy: Verona (Topic)

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Casa di Giulietta description and photos - Italy: Verona

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Casa di Giulietta description and photos - Italy: Verona

House of Juliet (Casa di Giulietta) description and photos - Italy: Verona. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photographs and a map showing the nearest significant objects. The title in English is Casa di Giulietta.

Photo and description

Juliet's House is perhaps the most visited attraction in Verona, which thousands of lovers from all over the world seek to see. This small house was built in the 13th century and, thanks to the great genius William Shakespeare, has been considered the home of the legendary Juliet for several centuries.

Once this building, located near Piazza Erbe, belonged to the Dal Cappello family. which became the prototype of the Capulet family. Their coat of arms in the form of a marble hat can still be seen today on the arch leading to the courtyard. In the second half of the 17th century, the house was sold, and since then has changed owners several times, until in 1907 it was acquired by the Verona City Council to organize a museum. By that time, the house was almost completely dilapidated and required significant repair and restoration work. However, the municipality could not find money for this for a long time, and only after the release in 1936 of the famous film by George Cukor "Romeo and Juliet" began active work to turn the house into a tourist attraction.

In accordance with Shakespeare's play, Juliet's House was given a romantic look: the brick facade was decorated with Gothic elements, the windows were appropriately framed, and even some of the buildings overlooking the courtyard were reconstructed. The courtyard itself, with Juliet's legendary balcony, was also rebuilt to resemble the courtyard from Cukor's film - a battlement and a column under the balcony appeared. Later, lines from Shakespeare's tragedy were placed on this wall. And in 1972, a bronze statue of Juliet was installed here, which is always popular with tourists. It is believed that touching her right breast would bring good luck in love.

Restoration work was also carried out in the 1970s and 1990s. During the latter, the atmosphere of the 14th century was recreated in the house with the help of appropriate ornaments and frescoes. Finally, in 1997, a museum was inaugurated in Juliet's House. Today, you can see works of art created on the theme of Romeo and Juliet, photographs from a film by Cukor and a collection of objects from a 1968 painting by Franco Zeffirelli - two costumes, a marriage bed and sketches. Numerous tourists leave declarations of love on the walls of the arch leading to the courtyard from the street.

By the way, in Verona there is the so-called House of Romeo - this is an old 14th century mansion that belonged to the Nogarola family. It has Gothic features and is surrounded by a battlement. Unfortunately, this is private property and access is closed. All offers of the city municipality to purchase the house and turn it into a museum were rejected by the owners.

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Topic: Casa di Giulietta description and photos - Italy: Verona.Casa di Giulietta description and photos - Italy: Verona

Author: Kelly Costine