Tezepir Mosque description and photo - Azerbaijan: Baku (Topic)

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Tezepir Mosque description and photo - Azerbaijan: Baku

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Tezepir Mosque description and photos - Azerbaijan: Baku

Tezepir Mosque description and photos - Azerbaijan: Baku. Detailed information about the attraction. Description, photos and a map showing the nearest significant objects.

Photo and description

The Tezepir Mosque is the largest mosque in Baku and one of the most significant architectural structures that define the appearance of the city. Once upon a time on the site of this religious building there was a nondescript one-story mosque. The construction of the Tezepir mosque was started in 1905 according to the project of the architect Ziverbek Akhmedbekov under the patronage of the patron Nabat-khanum Ashurbekova. Construction was suspended several times, due to the termination of funding, as well as the death of the patron. However, soon the construction work continued, they were led by the son of Nabat-khanum Ashurbekova. In 1914 the mosque was built.

The mosque was in operation for only three years. In 1917, during the October Revolution, it was closed. At various times, the mosque was used as a cinema and a barn, and only since 1943. and to this day it functions as a mosque. On the territory of Tezepir is the building of the Caucasus Muslims Office.

The interior of the mosque with an area of 1400 sq. m are decorated with patterns of the Azerbaijani school of painting and rare examples of oriental ornaments. As for the mihrab and the dome, they were made of marble.

The mosque has two prayer halls - male and female. There are five chandeliers in the women's prayer hall and 52 in the men's prayer hall. The women's chapel is made of pistachio wood. There is a separate wardrobe for worshipers. The metal stairs in the women's prayer hall were replaced with reinforced concrete ones covered with wood.

Decorative elements of the largest mosque in Baku, inscriptions and the tops of minarets were made of gold. The height of the dome installed on the mosque is one and a half meters. It is made of Gizilgaya stone. The doors and windows of the Tezepir Mosque are made of mahogany. On the floor, under which the heating system is installed, there is a namazlik carpet for 70 worshipers.

Due to its favorable location, the Tezepir Mosque is perfectly visible from different districts of Baku and is a good silhouette landmark.

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Topic: Tezepir Mosque description and photo - Azerbaijan: Baku.Tezepir Mosque description and photo - Azerbaijan: Baku

Author: Kelly Costine